Training Courses

Training tailored for your work community

Emo­tional skills are the basis of all our activ­ities. The emo­tional com­petence of a child or adolescent affects their entire course of life. Strength­ening and sup­porting emo­tional skills can therefore be a pro­tective factor, e.g. in terms of pre­venting risky beha­viour and marginalisation. 

These training courses are based on the con­tents of the evidence-based Steps of Aggression teaching pro­gramme. They are aimed at early childhood pro­fes­sionals, primary and sec­ondary school edu­cation and teaching staff, student welfare pro­fes­sionals, or children’s parents/​guardians.

The themes taught in the teaching programme based on the Steps of Aggression model (Cacciatore, 2007) are:

  • Dif­ferent emo­tions and the concept of aggression
  • Violence and handling emotions
  • Argument skills
  • Calming down and relaxing

We can organise training tailored to the needs of our customers on request.

Full day training (6 hours)

This training course is based on the “Handling Feelings and Beha­viour” teacher’s manual, which was created in accordance with the new basic edu­cation cur­riculum and early childhood edu­cation plans (Hintikka, 2018; Kiviluote, 2019). With the help of this book, you can support stu­dents’ socio-emo­tional devel­opment by teaching them about emo­tional and inter­action skills, anti-violence atti­tudes, and helping stu­dents to find their own strengths.

During this course par­ti­cipants will get acquainted with the teaching materials and learn to apply them to their own work in a prac­tical way. 

The basic edu­cation training can also be taught in Swedish, with school teacher Johanna Berlin as the instructor. 

Half day training (3 hours)

Fits in well with the VESO-training, for example.


Adapts well to muni­cipal VESO-days, home/​school inter­action days, or parents’ evenings.

Testimonials on Jaana Kiviluote’s training (translated from Finnish)

Training for professionals in primary and early childhood education

Highly popular training courses

In addition to training for work com­munities, we organise training days for pro­fes­sionals in basic edu­cation and early childhood edu­cation. The current and popular courses created by Jaana Kiviluote, Doctor of Edu­cation and special edu­cation teacher, are based on the “Handling Feelings and Beha­viour” teaching materials that were created in accordance with the new basic edu­cation cur­riculum. In this training course you will receive the “Handling Feelings and Beha­viour” teacher’s manual as well as famil­i­arise yourself in how to use and adapt it prac­tically in your own work.


Teaching material to support students’ socio-emotional development

With the help of these materials, you can fulfil the requirement to teach emo­tional and inter­action skills required by the basic edu­cation cur­riculum. The ready-made lesson sug­ges­tions in the manuals can be used to support stu­dents’ socio-emo­tional devel­opment by teaching emo­tional and inter­action skills, anti-violence atti­tudes, and helping stu­dents find their own strengths. Emotion skills lessons are easy to put into practice and are also motiv­ating, engaging, and useful for stu­dents. The teaching material also emphasises strength­ening stu­dents’ self-esteem and increasing well-being. The research evidence shows that this training pro­gramme has been encour­aging for both stu­dents and teachers!

Cards to support the learning of social and emotional skills

“Emotion Cards for Young People and Adults” and “Emotion Memory Game Cards”, both pub­lished by Kiviluote in January 2020, support the learning of emo­tional and social skills and are available at this training course. Also available at the training course are Emotion Cards, Strength Cards, Poster Set, and Eval­u­ation Chart, pub­lished in January 2018, as well as the Emotion Memory Game and Strengths Memory Game Cards, pub­lished in 2019.



HANDLING EMOTIONS AND BEHAVIOUR – training for secondary school education and teaching staff

Training cost:

135€ / par­ti­cipant + VAT 24%

Training includes:

  • “Handling Feelings and Beha­viour – sec­ondary school” teacher’s manual (worth 55,00€); includes con­crete prac­tical tips, ready-made lesson plan sug­ges­tions, fairy tales, stories, relax­ation tips, as well as handouts
  • Intro­duction to using these teaching materials
  • Morning and afternoon coffee; lunch

HANDLING EMOTIONS AND BEHAVIOUR – training for primary school education and teaching staff

Training cost:

125€ / par­ti­cipant + VAT 24%

Training includes:

  • “Handling Feelings and Beha­viour” teacher’s manual (worth 51,50€); includes con­crete prac­tical tips, ready-made lesson plan sug­ges­tions, fairy tales, stories, relax­ation tips, as well as handouts. In addition, the book provides evidence-based inform­ation on the importance of teaching stu­dents emo­tional skills.
  • Intro­duction to using these teaching materials
  • Morning and afternoon coffee; lunch

HANDLING EMOTIONS AND BEHAVIOUR – training for early childhood professionals

Training cost:

135€ / par­ti­cipant + VAT 24%

Training includes:

  • “Handling Feelings and Beha­viour – early childhood edu­cation” teacher’s manual and CD (worth 59,50€)*
  • Intro­duction to using these teaching materials
  • Morning and afternoon coffee; lunch

* The manual con­tains ready-made emo­tional skills lessons for 4-5-year olds and 5-6-year olds, as well as a drama story time session for 5-6-year olds called “Remu­kylän lapset “, written by drama edu­cator Sini Aromaa. The manual comes with the Rotta Mokoma CD (Timo Nissinen, 2015), which con­tains song games that inspire children and are linked to the emo­tional skills lessons. In addition, the book has ready-made handout tem­plates and fairy tales, as well as tips for relax­ation exer­cises. It also provides evidence-based inform­ation on the importance of teaching children emo­tional skills.



In daily life at school, we some­times have to face situ­ations that may feel chal­lenging and thus also increase your workload as a teacher.
During the training course, we will go through con­crete and proven prac­tices and models for the work com­munity, which help teaching and edu­ca­tional pro­fes­sionals to support stu­dents’ schooling and guardians, based on the best interests of the child. 

Themes to be covered in the training course:

  • A student who behaves threat­en­ingly or aggressively
  • Inap­pro­priate lan­guage use by a student and indifferent/​arrogant attitude towards given tasks and instructions
  • Stu­dents’ unclear or unau­thorised absences
  • Dis­putes between stu­dents and how to resolve them
  • Chal­lenging inter­ac­tions with guardians

Training cost:

105€ / par­ti­cipant + VAT 24%

Training includes:

  • Printable training material
  • Morning and afternoon coffee; lunch

Fortbildning på svenska


Känslor och beteende under kontroll -fortbildning för uppfostrings- och undervisningspersonal inom den grundläggande undervisningens lägre klasser

Emo­tionella fär­digheter kan läras ut och läras in! De emo­tionella fär­digheterna utgör grunden för all vår verksamhet. Barnets och den ungas emo­tionella kom­petens påverkar hela hennes senare levn­ad­slopp. Att stärka och stöda kom­pet­ensen har en sky­ddande bety­delse bl.a för att förebygga riskbeteende och utslagn­ing­sutveckling hos barnet. I den aktuella och pop­ulära Känslor och beteende under kon­troll – fort­b­ild­ningen får du den nya, enligt den nya läro­planen anpassade, svensks­pråkiga under­vis­nings­ma­ter­i­alboken i emo­tionella fär­digheter, Känslor och beteende under kon­troll (Kiviluote, 2019), samt en introduktion i använd­ningen av mater­ialet. Som svensks­pråkig utb­ildare fungerare ped­agogie magister, klasslärare Johanna Berlin. 

Pris 150,00 € / deltagare + moms 24%

Fort­b­ild­ningen innehåller, förutom under­vis­nings­ma­ter­i­alboken (värde 63,00 €), morgon- och efter­mid­dag­skaffe samt lunch.

Fortbildningens innehåll

Fort­b­ild­ningen grundar sig på boken Känslor och beteende under kon­troll (Kiviluote, 2019), som är utarbetad enligt den nya läro­planen. Med hjälp av boken kan du i ditt arbete stöda elev­ernas socioemo­tionella utveckling genom att lära dem emo­tionella fär­digheter och interak­tionsfär­digheter, anti­våld­sat­tityd, samt hjälpa eleverna att hitta sina egna styrkor. I fort­b­ild­ningen sätter vi oss i prak­tiken in i använd­ningen av läromedlet och tillämpningen av den i det egna arbete. 

I Undervisningsprogrammet, som baserar sig på Aggressionens trappsteg -modellen (Cacciatore 2007), lärs följande teman ut

  • Olika känslor och känslan av aggression
  • Våld och sätt att behärska känslor
  • Fär­digheter att gräla
  • Att lugna ner sig och slappna av

I boken finns konkreta praktiska tips, färdiga förslag på lektion­splaner, sagor, tips på ber­ät­telser och avslappn­ingövningar samt kopi­erbara arb­etsblad. Des­sutom ger boken for­sknings­baserad kunskap i bety­delsen av att lära ut emo­tionella fär­digheter åt eleverna.

I for­bild­ningen finns tillgång till Kiviluotes (fd. Hintikka) i januari 2019 utgivna svensks­pråkiga Känslokort, Styrkekort, Planch­paket och Skattning­stabell samt Min­nesspelkort (2019).


Johanna Berlin, ped­agogie magister, klasslärare

+358 404 103 364