About Jaana

Jaana Kiviluote: Doctor of Education, trainer, special education teacher

Jaana Kiviluote (née Hintikka) defended her doc­toral thesis in edu­cation at the Uni­versity of Turku in 2016. Kiviluote has around 30 years of diverse exper­ience in the teaching pro­fession. She has worked throughout Finland as a school teacher as well as working as a special edu­cation teacher in an inter­na­tional school with a large pro­portion of stu­dents from immigrant fam­ilies. For the last 17 years, she has been teaching stu­dents with emo­tional and beha­vi­oural chal­lenges at Mikael’s school in Turku. Kiviluote com­pleted her Finnish National Agency for Edu­cation degree in 2018. 

Since 2015, Kiviluote has lec­tured and acted as a super­visor for stu­dents of special edu­cation needs at the Uni­versity of Turku. In addition, she has worked at the Uni­versity of Turku as an instructor for addi­tional teacher training that spe­cialises in school well-being.

Kiviluote also has exper­ience in training and facil­it­ation through an inter­preter. In 2017, 20 female teachers from private schools in Saudi Arabia observed Kiviluote during emo­tional skills lessons. After that, they also received training in class man­agement skills from Kiviluote. 

Jaana Kiviluote

Doctoral research on the development of students’ emotional and self-regulatory skills

In her dis­ser­tation, Kiviluote examined the devel­opment of stu­dents’ emo­tional and self-reg­u­latory skills, as well as stu­dents’ and teachers’ assess­ments and exper­i­ences of the Steps of Aggression teaching pro­gramme. The Steps of Aggression model on the devel­opment of a child’s emo­tional life has been created by child psy­chi­atrist Raisa Cac­ci­atore (www​.raisacac​ci​atore​.fi). Kiviluote has several years of exper­ience in the prac­tical imple­ment­ation of this teaching programme.

Supporting socio-emotional development: information and methods

The aim of the training provided by Kiviluote is to provide inform­ation about the importance of emo­tional skills for indi­vidual devel­opment and to provide methods to support socio-emo­tional devel­opment. The training provides con­crete prac­tical tips for imple­menting emo­tional skills edu­cation through the evidence-based Steps of Aggression teaching pro­gramme in a goal-ori­ented, regular, and con­sistent manner.

Teaching materials for emotional and interaction skills

•  The latest teaching materials for emo­tional and inter­action skills are “Handling Feelings and Beha­viour in high school – teacher’s manual”, “Emotion Cards for Young People and Adults”, and “Emo­tions Memory Game Cards for Young People and Adults” pub­lished by Jaana Kiviluote in January 2020. These teaching materials for sup­porting young people’s well-being are intended for any pro­fes­sionals working with adoles­cents and young adults, as well as for anyone inter­ested in under­standing or teaching emo­tional skills.

•  Kiviluote developed and pub­lished the anti­cipated teachers’ manual on emo­tional and inter­action skills called “Handling Feelings and Beha­viour” in January 2018. This teaching manual (Hintikka, 2018), based on the Steps of Aggression teaching pro­gramme, is intended for use in primary schools. The easy-to-use, bound manual has ready-made lesson plan sug­ges­tions with prac­tical guidance and assignment handouts for school years 1-5. The manual also con­tains lesson objectives as well as imple­ment­ation and assessment tips for all four of the teaching themes: 1) Dif­ferent emo­tions and the concept of aggression, 2) Violence and handling emo­tions, 3) Argument skills, and 4) Calming down and relaxing.

•  In addition to the teachers’ manual, the other “Handling Feelings and Beha­viour” instruc­tional materials include: Emotion Cards, Strength Cards, Poster Set, and an Eval­u­ation Chart that includes a smiley face sheet and symbols to be col­oured in. In January 2019 Kiviluote pub­lished Emo­tions Memory Game Cards 1 and 2, Strengths Memory Game Cards 1 and 2, Swedish-lan­guage teaching materials, and the Early Childhood Educator’s Handbook (Kiviluote, 2019).

All teaching materials, along with pic­tures, pricing inform­ation, and ordering instruc­tions can be found in the Teaching Materials online store.  GET TO KNOW THE TEACHING MATERIALS
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Further research on supporting students’ socio-emotional competence

In the autumn of 2019, Jaana Kiviluote started addi­tional post-doc­toral research at the Faculty of Edu­cation at the Uni­versity of Turku entitled “Sup­porting stu­dents’ socio-emo­tional com­petence with the help of the Steps of Aggression teaching pro­gramme”. Approx­im­ately 400 year 3 and 4 primary school stu­dents from across Finland will take part in the study. 

The study examines the impact of emo­tional and inter­action skills taught according to the Steps of Aggression teaching pro­gramme on stu­dents’ socio-emo­tional com­petency during a study period of 1 to 3 aca­demic years for stu­dents receiving general, enhanced, or special ped­ago­gical support. In addition, the study invest­igates stu­dents’ and teachers’ per­ceived use­fulness of the emo­tional skills lessons for stu­dents. The Jenny and Antti Wihuri Found­ation has provided a grant to support this research. 

Curriculum Vitae


  • Degree in Edu­cation Admin­is­tration: 2018
  • Doctor of Edu­cation: 2016, Uni­versity of Turku
  • Special edu­cation teacher, com­pre­hensive special edu­ca­tional needs: 2003, Uni­versity of Jyväskylä
  • Master of Edu­cation, school teacher: 1991, Uni­versity of Oulu
  • Kajaani Teacher Training Institute matric­u­lation exam­in­ation: 1986, Reis­järvi High School


  • Handling Feelings and Beha­viour training for primary school edu­cation and teaching staff: 2018-2020
  • Training requested by dif­ferent muni­cip­al­ities across Finland: 2017-2020
  • Lec­turer for stu­dents of special edu­ca­tional needs: 2015-2020, Uni­versity of Turku Department of Special Education
  • Con­tinuing pro­fes­sional devel­opment training arranged by regional state admin­is­tration agencies for teachers and edu­cators working in early childhood edu­cation and basic edu­cation: 2016-2020
  • Func­tional emo­tional skills training (2 hours) for several dif­ferent schools: 2017, City of Turku Mobile School Project

Work experience in the field of education

  • Special edu­cation teacher, City of Turku: 2002-present
  • Com­pre­hensive special edu­cation teacher, City of Turku: 2000-2002
  • School teacher, City of Tampere: 1992-2000
  • School teacher, Reis­järvi muni­cip­ality: 1991-1992
  • Numerous teaching place­ments in primary, sec­ondary, and high schools, Reis­järvi muni­cip­ality: 1986-1991
  • Col­lation and pre­par­ation of learning materials, Reis­järvi muni­cip­ality: 10/06/1988-24.08.1988, 01/06/1989-25.07.1989
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